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13 Ways to Give Your Self-Esteem a Boost

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Low self-esteem can cause a vicious cycle which makes you feel worse and worse.

Feeling badly about yourself can lead you to feel unmotivated to change what is

making you feel down in the first place. If you don’t change the root cause of your

negative feelings, then your self-esteem takes an even deeper dive.

This cycle of negativity can be damaging, but there are things that you can do to break the cycle.

Try these techniques to give your self-esteem a boost:

1. Learn and master a new skill.

When you learn a new skill and become good at it, your confidence will no doubt grow.

This is especially true if the skill benefits something you already do.

2. Make a list of all of your accomplishments.

It can be easy to forget all of the things you’ve achieved in your lifetime.

So, make a list of these accomplishments, and from time to time, read the list to remind yourself of them. You’ll feel much better about yourself.

3. Do something creative.

Being creative helps to stimulate your brain, and the more use your brain gets the bigger the benefits.

If you combine creativity with trying something new, even more benefits will be achieved.

4. Set values for your life.

What are your values?

Does your current lifestyle reflect these values? If it doesn’t, take action to make the necessary changes.

Learning who you are and what you stand for, and then living these values, will

increase your confidence.

5. Think positive.

Instead of thinking negatively when faced with a difficult task, think of it as a challenge you can overcome. Consider what you can learn from the experience, and be proud of yourself once you’ve

accomplished it!

6. Stretch your comfort zone. Try new things. Go to new places. Meet new people.

This will allow your confidence to grow!

7. Help someone

Helping another person will give you a sense of achievement and and a higher self-esteem.

8. Try to heal your past.

Past issues or drama can prevent you from moving on and growing. Speaking to a trained counselor can be very effective by allowing you to talk through any issues you may have.

9.Avoid worrying about what others think.

The most important opinion of you should be your own! Do what you feel is best for you, feel confident that you did your best, and your self-esteem will soar.

10. Read something inspirational.

Stories of other people who have overcome issues or dire situations and gone on to lead successful lives can inspire you to do the same. Self-help content can inspire you to reach for the stars and help you get

there. This inspiration can also make you feel optimistic and better about yourself.

11. Stay away from negative people.

There will be people in your life who may always seem to leave you feeling badly about yourself. It may be best to let them go. Try to surround yourself with positive people who will lift you up and make you feel good about yourself.

12. Take care of your appearance.

You know the saying, when you LOOK good you FEEL good!

13. Focus on what you can change.

Some things in life are out of your control.

Taking the steps outlined above, is a good start on your journey of growth and becoming the best version of you!

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