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8 Self-Care Habits That Will Change Your Life

Its important to take care of you!

woman holding a book, next to a coffee mug
Coffee house vibes

If you’re like most people, you probably do a pretty good job of caring for the most

important people in your life. However, you probably forget the most important



The better care you take of yourself, the better you’ll be able to care for others.

Taking care of yourself is a habit, perhaps the most important habit you can have. We

neglect ourselves in many ways. This is a critical error.

It’s important to take care of yourself daily.

Adopt these habits

1. Take a daily walk. You’re killing two birds with one stone when you go for a walk.

It’s a great time to think. Part of your mind is occupied with moving your legs and maintaining your balance. The rest of your brain is free to think creatively.

You’re also getting some good exercise. Most of us spend far too much time sitting each day. Getting up and accumulating a lot of steps is good for the mind and body.

Move your body!!!

Even the longest journey starts with one step

2. Use positive affirmations.

Negative self-talk is the norm.

You can undo this and give yourself a better perspective on life by using positive affirmations. Come up with just a few and repeat them to yourself throughout the day. Over time, you’ll be pleased with the results..

Give yourself grace and be nice to yourself

An affirmation: I am my own best cheerleader

3. Eat Healthier.

It’s believed that most people could stop taking their medications if they would only eat better.

Our natural instincts are to eat high-calorie foods that aren’t particularly good for us. Unfortunately, this instinct greatly reduces longevity. Eating healthy can be a real challenge, because it goes against our nature. However, you’ll be amazed at how much better you feel mentally and

physically when you clean up your diet.

Nourish your body from the inside out!

Staying hydrated, boosting your immune system and eating a well balanced diet are important to your overall health and wellness.

4. Read each day.

Reading is great for brain health.

Those that read daily have better cognitive abilities than those that don’t. This advantage extends into old age, too. Reading is also a great opportunity to learn something new. Imagine how much you could learn over 20 or more years by reading 30 minutes each day. That’s roughly 3600 hours, or 90 40-hour workweeks.

A well-written novel can transport you to other realms, while an engaging article will distract you and keep you in the present moment, letting tensions drain away and allowing you to relax.

“I read a book one day and my whole life was changed.” ~ Orhan Pamuk

5. Unplug.

Your brain needs a rest from the constant stimulation of the internet, your smart phone, TV, tablets, and so on.

Studies show that Give yourself at least a few hours each day of complete rest from these items.

Cutting the figurative cord - at least occasionally - is a worthwhile endeavor.

6. Sleep at least 7 hours each night.

Everyone seems to claim they only need 5 hours of sleep.

Every one of them is incorrect. The science is clear on this matter. To maximize your health and cognitive abilities, you need at least

seven hours of sleep. Some people need more!

Create a sleep hygiene routine that will ensure you are able to wind down and get adequate rest!

Redness, puffiness, dark circles, and bags -- all signs that you're not getting enough shut-eye. The sleep-deprived tend to get more wrinkles, lines, swelling, and droopiness, studies show.

7. Keep a gratitude journal.

Sure, it sometimes seems like there’s nothing good in your life, but that’s almost certainly not true.

There are plenty of good things in your life. You’re just failing to recognize them. Remind yourself about all of these positive things by keeping a gratitude journal and writing in it each day.

Gratitude is a way to appreciate what you have rather than reaching for what you don't.

“If you must look back, do so forgivingly. If you must look forward, do so prayerful. However, the wisest thing you can do is to be present in the present. Gratefully.” ~ Maya Angelou

8. Give your body some gentle exercise each day.

A little extra movement can do many good things for your body and your brain.

You don’t have to pound away on the treadmill like you’re training to race up the side of Everest, but a little sweat and heavy breathing can bring about some great changes.

Self care is an important habit to develop. Being at your best is good for everyone around you. When you fail to take care of yourself, people have less respect for you.

It’s hard to receive more respect from others than you’re willing to give yourself.

When you fail to take care of yourself, people have less respect for you.

It’s hard to receive more respect from others than you’re willing to give yourself.

You deserve the best. Treat yourself that way.

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